Sunday, July 13, 2008

Beach/Jelly Fight Day

Today was deemed the day the COSMOS posse were to be taken to the beach for about 3 hours to perform recreational activities. As we arrived, we realized there was quite a number of people already settled in their individual spaces, leaving us with a mere region within a border of cones. As a volleyball was administered, we played along with it for a good amount of time; getting into the water followed. Our group spent the majority of the time in the water, either riding the waves, or playing with the volleyball. After getting dried off, I walked with a small group of friends along the beach playing "Truth or Dare" to pass the time until 4:00 p.m. Upon arrival back the UCSD campus, we ate dinner and eventually walked over the the other field near Thurgood Marshall. The Jelly Fight was quite intense, and the end result of complete and utter filth on both the students/RA's, and the field itself;however, the experience as a whole was still satisfactory and definately memorable.

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