Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Cluster 4 is off to a shakey start... (not really :] bad pun)

My first day at COSMOS wasn't exactly the best. The first lecture was kind of boring and I was having a hard time staying awake. (although that might be because I was in New York last week). Lunch was nice though. Since out classroom is so far we just had pizza in our classroom. The second 3 hours wasn't quite as bad as the first. The topic caught my interest a bit more. I still think that 3 hours is a long time to be sitting in a classroom though. Then we hiked back and had dinner. After dinner I had SO MUCH FUN playing mafia during rec time. Of course, I was the innocent citizen that everyone voted out of COSMOS :[.

So, Day two. I really enjoyed the discovery lecture. I think the speaker did a really good job with the presentation and incorporating real life examples. We went back to our clusters, read an article and TRIED to present it to the class :]. After lunch we were reviewing trig and started to learn about forces in trusses... or something like that. It was A LOT of confusing math.

I'd have to say COSMOS is a lot more work than I expected. I feel SO busy all the time. Its still A LOT of fun though.

1 comment:

hiddenjade said...

The title make me LOL.