Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Second Week In

Now that the weekend is over, it was a little tough getting back into the school routine. I was SO happy we got to go to the beach in La Jolla on Sunday. I got a pretty nice tan :). Yesterday my cluster went on a field trip to the Shaker Table at UC San Diego, and it was HOT! It was pretty interesting to see the hydraulics involved in moving such a massive piece of equipment, but I was a little disappointed we didn't see any test runs on a parking structure. I participated in a cake decorating contest last night which was really fun. My group made a soccer field out of gummy bears and graham crackers. I also played some volleyball and soccer, and it felt really good to run around and release some of my pent up energy. If you are reading this at home, I miss all of you very much! And I am looking forward to complete relaxation during family weekend.

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