Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The weekend and this week...

This weekend was fun because of the trip to Knott's and to the beach. I also did jell-o fight so it was entertaining and it stained my shirt. I wish we could do those activities everyday instead of only on the weekends.
Yesterday, we visited the shaker table but we could not see them experiment on the building. They were not prepared so we just had a tour around and it was hot. Then we did lecture in a cramped space and I was so sleepy. I could not keep my eyes open at all during the lecture in the afternoon.
At 10 pm, we watched "Mean Girls" in our suite. I also did cake decoration with Amy Z and ate krispy kreme. It was yummy.
Today we had a discovery lecture with Larry Goldstein. It was interesting to know the research on stem cells. Hopefully, this week will be fun.

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