Thursday, July 10, 2008

Lawrence S.B. Goldstein

The stem cell research sounds very interesting, even as a possible field I may want to go into. It is interesting how he is able to search for cures in intense diseases, such as Alzheimer's and cancer. I am glad I was able to understand the information because of the way it was presented- without too many technical terms. I guess the ethical problem of destroying embryos really depends on whether embryos are considered to be alive or not (whether they can feel). I would support Dr. Goldstein in allowing the use of stem cells for scientific research because it helps us advance and will hopefully lead to important discoveries or inventions, such as curing many diseases. Thus, it would later on be beneficial. I would also promote proper usage of stem cells. During the I would like to know more about his procedures for conducting such experiments and why exactly he decided to go into this field. Stem cells can be used to study many things, even organ regeneration. So this may help patients who have gone through surgery. I am looking forward to the Discovery lecture on Tuesday.

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