Tuesday, July 15, 2008

July 15, 2008

Yesterday, our cluster visited the shaker table. Unfortunately, we did not get to see it shake. It was interesting taking a tour of the building though. I also really enjoyed Knotsberry Farm on the weekend. At first, I thought that we were actually going to visit the farm, so I didn't understand why everybody was so excited. It was a pleasant surprise to learn that Knotsberry Farm was actually an amusement park. The Accelerator was the best ride. The roller coaster looks very scary because there is a deep drop, but when you ride it, it makes you feel light. Plus, you don't get any uneasy feelings in your stomach. The jello fight was really fun also. I have never participated in a food fight before, but it was really fun to get messy and also throw chunks of wrestling jello at others. I wore a white shirt and so then others could sign it in sharpies and make it into a "memory tshirt". The homework load this week has been pretty decent. It keeps us busy, but it is not too much.
Yesterday's geophysics class was more interactive than usual and I enjoyed doing the seismic wave activity. It helped me remember the different types of waves better. I am pretty sure I learn really well with hands on activities, but writing notes down helps me remember certain ideas and concepts too. I think it is really important knowing what learning style suits you the best, because it will help you in studying for tests, especially in college.
The stem cell discovery lecture today was really interesting. I may even want to go into that field. It has so many possibilities and directions. Plus, it is relatively new and there is so much more to be discovered. I am really glad that Science Buddies explained all the different science fair competitions. I had heard of many of them before, but I didn't know the specific details. I think the hardest part about the science fair process is coming up with an idea that you are really passionate about and that is possible to do. I have noticed that I can spend hours researching something that is really interesting to me. Even though it is a challenge, it is totally worth it.

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